King of the Colosseum
Tournaments 2024

The Colosseum is a unique 500 point format that we have been having a tonne of fun playing on our channel with and for our membership. 

Each mission and deployment is exactly the same, but that doesnt mean each game is!  The matches are incredibly challenging to play as each unit risked and potentially lost can make a big impact on the game outcome.

Note: King of the Colosseum Events will be round robin style and not single elimination. We want the players to get a day of gaming in.

Event Schedule

Play On Tabletop is hosting King of the Colosseum Tournaments.

Sunday, June 9, 2024
Vancouver, BC, Canada SOLD OUT | Player Pack [PDF]

Friday, June 14, 2024
Edmonton, AB, Canada Tickets Available | Player Pack [PDF]

Saturday, June 15, 2024
Edmonton, AB, Canada Tickets Available | Player Pack [PDF]

Player Packs and Schedule Subject to Change, but only if we absolutely have to.


King of the Colosseum Season One. Single Elimination Series is available for YouTube Members and Patreon Members exclusively. The video on this page is a freeview of episode one of the series.


Rules as seen on King of the Colosseum on Play On Tabletop LIST BUILDING REQUIREMENTS:
  • Must include at least one character who is designated as your Warlord.
  • No epic heroes.
  • Must include two units that are infantry and not characters.
  • No units can be toughness 10 or higher. Toughness 9 is the maximum toughness.
  • Enhancements are allowed.
  • List Maximum Points is 500.
  • All other standard List building rules for a Warhammer 40,000 Matched Play Game apply.

Fully painted and WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) is required. If you have questions please contact us at

Note about Imperial and Chaos Knights. We are not game designers and this is an experimental and new format we are trying. We don’t know what impact having big stompy Knights in the Colosseum will have. We are considering an exception to the list building restrictions for Imperial or Chaos Knights. Please email us if you absolutely only want to play a Knights faction and perhaps we can come up with a way to make that happen together.


Players may score in any manner that is convenient for them. We suggest both players keep score, as there is less opportunity to make a mistake.


5 victory points for holding any of the of the 5 objectives available to a maximum of 15 per round and 50 for the game starting from the second turn.


All Players must play Tactical secondaries. This means you need a deck of tactical secondaries available, or alternatively you may use the tabletop battles app.


Each game is scored as per the Leviathan Grand Tournament packet. Primary mission is essentially Take and Hold (see above Primary Scoring). Mission rule is the chilling rain. 10 points are scored for fully painted armies.

Even if you’re out of units (i.e. “tabled”) you can still score, even win! Sticky objectives still count and you can continue to draw secondaries. If a game ends early due to tabling your opponent, you must play out the turns! You do not automatically score 100 points for tabling your opponent nor win automatically. It’s easy enough to continue to score the game through the remaining turns by drawing cards and talking it through with your opponent,  HOWEVER this should not be done if both players have models left.

“In the colosseum it isn’t over until it’s over. In our games on channel nobody has yet scored a perfect 100 points, nor do we expect anyone will, there aren’t enough units to do all the things!” – JT, the Voice.



Every game will be played in the provided 36 inch by 36 inch Colosseum. Every Game will utilize the same mission.


Colosseum Walls are line of sight blocking and impassable. Nothing can go through these walls. Models can scale the wall, measuring going up and over them. You cannot land a model on top of these walls.

Units can enter the Colosseum either through one of the four gaps in the walls, or scale the walls.


There are four ruins inside the Colosseum and four ruins outside the Colosseum, all ruins block line of sight infinitely upwards and provide cover as per standard Warhammer 40,000 terrain rules.


Colosseum differs from the standard 40k strategy in several key ways;

You have a limited number of units, use them wisely

Killing your opponent is important but scoring points
wins games.

Scout moves, Infiltrate, and deep strike on such a small board could be a tactically brilliant move,a mistake, or both. Use them at your own peril

“Sticky” objectives can be invaluable, or they can be a trap. Again, Colosseum is not regular 40k-its fast and furious and a heck of a lot of fun.

“We cant wait to share and play this with you all. Until we see you in the Colosseum, Play On!” – JT




A charity event we are proud to be a part of. This one day event is 20 players and 4 rounds. This tournament is on Sunday, June 9th in Vancouver, British Columbia.


A total of up to four tournaments. Two 8-player pods on Friday and two 8-player pods on Saturday. Each tournament will be 3 rounds. These tournaments are on Friday, June 14th and Saturday, June 15th in Edmonton, Alberta.

Want to practice or play your own Colisseum?

Here is our earlier published rules which is what we base the current King of the Colosseum Exclusive Membership Web Series on.

Rules subject to change. Single Elimination does not apply to our tournament formats.